2024.8.19 详细议程

  • 会议主持:李俊青-教授 南开大学

    2024.8.19 上午安排
  • 08:00-09:00
  • 09:00-09:10

    南开大学 副校长
  • 09:10-09:20
    StataCorp LLC致辞

    Hua Peng
    Executive Director
    Software Engineering and Data Science
    StataCorp LLC
  • 09:20-09:30
  • 09:30-10:00
    演讲主题:A Quasi Synthetic Control Method for Nonlinear Models With High-Dimensional Covariates

    To make the conventional synthetic control method more flexible to estimate the average treatment effect (ATE), this article proposes a quasi- synthetic control method for nonlinear models under the index model framework with possible high-dimensional covariates, together with a suggestion of using the minimum average variance estimation (MAVE) method to estimate parameters and the LASSO type procedure to choose high-dimensional covariates. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the proposed ATE estimators for both finite and diverging dimensions of covariates. A properly designed Bootstrap method is proposed to obtain confidence intervals and its theoretical justification is provided. When the dimension of covariates is greater than the sample size, we suggest using the robust version of sure independence screening procedure based on the distance correlation to first reduce the dimensionality and then apply the MAVE approach to estimate parameters. Finally, Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite sample performance of our proposed estimators and Bootstrap procedure. In addition, an empirical application to reanalyzing data from the National Supported Work Demonstration demonstrates the practical usefulness of our proposed method.

  • 10:10-10:30
  • 10:30-11:30
    演讲主题:Data Visualization with Stata

    This talk will demonstrate how to produce informative, robust, and complex graphs using reproducible official and community-contributed routines in Stata. We will also discuss commonly used programming tools and tips for creating more engaging graphs.

    Hua Peng
    Executive Director
    Software Engineering and Data Science
    StataCorp LLC
  • 11:30-12:00

    关键词:西气东输工程 清洁能源发展 健康效应

    王维国-教授 东北财经大学
  • 12:10-14:00
  • 会议主持:白仲林-教授 天津财经大学

    2024.8.19 下午安排
  • 14:00-14:30
    演讲主题: 新质生产力测度与评估方法


    张晓峒-教授 南开大学
  • 14:40-15:10
    演讲主题:Identification and Estimation of Average Causal Response Function in a High Dimensional Sample Selection Model

    Average causal response function (ACRF) is a useful tool to assess treatment effect with dose functions, especially when the treatment is endogenous. This paper presents the identification and estimation of an ACRF with sample selection and a high dimensional controls. We derive the Ney- man orthogonal moments with multiple nuisance parameters and utilize double machine learning method and typical nonparametric techniques to estimate the proposed estimators. Asymptotics for proposed estimators are derived and Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate their good finite sample properties. Our identification and estimation results could be readily extended to the case with more complex sample selection mechanisms. We apply the proposed method to US Job Corps data to evaluate the heterogeneous effect of residential components, which yields new insights for policy makers.

    周亚虹-经济学院院长 上海财经大学
  • 15:20-15:40
  • 15:40-16:40


    陈强-教授 山东大学
  • 16:50-17:20
    圆桌会议: Stata 18新功能技术讨论交流 
    StataCorp LLC、与会嘉宾
  • 17:30-19:30

2024.8.20 详细议程

  • 会议主持:李宝伟-副教授 南开大学

    2024.8.20 上午安排

  • 09:00-10:00
    演讲主题:Treatment-effects estimation using lasso

    You can use treatment-effects estimators to draw causal inferences from observational data. You can use lasso when you want to control for many potential covariates. With standard treatment-effects models, there is an intrinsic conflict between two required assumptions. The conditional independence assumption is likely to be satisfied with many variables in the model, while the overlap assumption is likely to be satisfied with fewer variables in the model. This presentation shows how to overcome this conflict by using Stata's telasso command. telasso estimates the average treatment effects with high-dimensional controls while using lasso for model selection. This estimator is robust to model-selection mistakes. Moreover, it is doubly robust, so only one of the outcome or treatment model needs to be correctly specified.

    Di Liu
    Principal Econometrician
    StataCorp LLC
  • 10:00-10:20
  • 10:20-11:20
    演讲主题:Recent updates on econometrics of program evaluation

    过去三十多年间,项目评估计量经济学经历了长足的发展,同时得益于计量分析软件技术的不断进步和数据资料的日益丰富,经济学实证研究范式乃至整个经济学的研究范式发生了巨大转变,深刻影响了经济学的教学和研究。过去五年间,围绕DID, IV, RD等主流项目评估计量经济学方法,又出现了不少新的计量理论进展,一方面对原有的理论方法和应用实践做了修补和完善,另一方面也推动了项目评估计量经济学方法进一步向前发展。我将对这些进展做一个概括性的介绍。

    张川川-教授 浙江大学
  • 11:20-12:20


    王群勇-教授 南开大学
  • 12:20-14:00
  • 会议主持:颜冠鹏-青年讲师 山东财经大学

    2024.8.20 下午安排

  • 14:00-14:40
    演讲主题:xtteifeci: 运用因子化方法估计和推断处理效应

    Li et al. (2024) 扩展了用于估计和推断交互固定效应面板模型处理效应的因子化方法 (the factor-based approach)。本演讲介绍了Stata新命令——xtteifeci,该命令可逐期生成处理效应的置信区间和p值,且支持多种模型设定,包括模型中包含协变量和/或非平稳趋势等。最后,以经典案例详细介绍该命令的具体操作。

    颜冠鹏-讲师 山东财经大学
  • 14:50-15:30


  • 15:30-15:50
  • 15:50-16:00 抽奖环节 : 奖品Stata/SE V18正版软件一年许可一套 会务组:友万科技
  • 16:00-16:40


    左祥太-会计系博士生 厦门大学
  • 16:40-17:20

    当一个单位的处置也会影响其他单位的结果时的干扰情况下,传统的因果推断的SUTVA假定被违反,当干扰起作用时,政策评估主要依赖于在集群干扰和二元处理下的随机实验的假设。相反,我们考虑在连续治疗和网络干扰下的非实验处置。具体来说,我们通过将网络处置的暴露程度定义为通过物理、社会或经济互动连接的单位所接受的处理的加权平均值来定义溢出效应。在Forastiere等人(2021)的基础上,我们提供了一个基于广义倾向得分的估计量来估计连续处置的直接和溢出效应。我们的估计量还允许考虑以不同强度为特征的非对称网络连接。本演讲介绍了一个Stata新命令, 该命令结合Mathematica的优点,采用线性回归和机器学习的方法估计个体倾向得分和邻域倾向得分,支持多种模型设定,采用广义线性模型估计结果模型和剂量反应函数(ADRF),并采用自举法计算标准误差。最后,以一个实际的案例详细介绍该命令的具体操作。

    赵俊-博士生 南开大学
  • 17:20-17:30 大会闭幕致辞 徐青青 总经理 友万科技