
FloodArea HPC 11—流体动力学建模软件

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FloodArea是一个完全集成在ArcGIS 中用于计算洪水区域的2D模型。自2001年第一次发布以来,来自五大洲20个国家的越来越多的权威机构(地方 政府部门),工程公司和研究机构相信这个模拟和建模工具。
FloodArea HPC是一种软件模型,可根据强降雨情况,河流洪水,大坝和堤防破坏来计算洪水。借助基于栅格的水动力数值模型FloodArea HPC,您可以在最高级别处理人口稠密地区和非人口稠密地区的洪水灾害。

FloodArea HPC应用范围






● 淹没区域和淹没深度的流体动力学建模
● 大坝和堤坝泄漏的模拟
● 在空间上可变的水位或水文图上进行/去除高达500点
● 模拟具有可变径流系数的暴雨事件(边坡径流危险)
● 自动生成动画电影(.avi),以提高您的客户的意识
● 输出流路分析的流向
● 考虑不包括在地形模型中的流动障碍(堤防,铁路堤坝等)
● 二维流体动力学建模
● 在任意点输入/输出水
● CPU和几个内核的并行化,可进行快速计算
● 与水位有关的粗糙度值或基于阈值的粗糙度值的变化
● 可选配管网模型cePipe,模拟下水道网络
● 同时为不同分区使用多个降水水位图
● 模拟过程中径流系数的时间变化
● 考虑将可变水位作为约束条件
● 可以集成水泵
● 输出流向和流速
● 中断和恢复仿真,以及更改参数
● 自动生成动画电影
● 根据输出数据生成流量曲线
● ArcGIS的® 集成
● 支持集成到自动化流程(模型构建器,批处理脚本等)中

FloodArea HPC Version 11 what's new

FloodAreaHPC 11 is the next generation of the established software model for the calculation of floods. Thanks to the complete renewal, you get more functionalities and the integration of a sewer network model in addition to more performance and better handling:

+ Optimization of computing performance: Enables you to model even larger areas and to complete your projects even faster. Each doubling of computing cores doubles your modeling speed.

+ Flexible combination of all FloodAreaHPC functionalities: This allows you to design the complexity of your scenarios as required.

+ Water level-dependent roughness: It is now possible to change the roughness above a threshold value — You can Also model roughness changes due to a rise of the water level, for example in case of dike breaches or linear flow processes.

+ Variable water level over time is possible: Modelling of increasing and decreasing water levels in a water body.

+ Simultaneous use of several precipitation hydrographs in the project area: Sprinkle any number of separate subareas with different hydrographs, for example to display pluviometers or grid cells of a radar image. You can simulate dynamic (temporal and spatial) events with detailed precipitation data.

+ Temporal variation of runoff coefficients: No external scripting is required for changing the runoff coefficients over time. This makes your simulation more stable and faster and it also reduces rounding errors to almost zero.

+ New file formats: better readability and therefore better handling and fewer errors when creating these files. + Elimination of separate pre-processing: Everything is integrated into the model core, this makes processing faster and more stable.

+ Coupling with sewer model: If the sewer system has a high influence on your modeling task, simply couple FloodAreaHPC with cePipe.

+ More output information: FloodAreaHPC provides important values for error checking and thus for optimizing your quality control.

+ Web-based manual: Always access the latest version and easy to use.

+ New price list: The multi-core versions got cheaper. You get even more performance for your money. With an update subscription you save an additional 25% of the update fee



● ArcGIS 版本 10.5 或更高版本
● 一台装有 Windows 10 或更高版本的电脑
● 至少 2 GB 主内存。
可编辑栅格图层的大小取决于可用的主内存。增加虚拟主内存的大小并不能解决这个问题,因为增加虚拟主内存的使用会大大降低计算速度。所需的硬盘存储在很大程度上取决于模拟的中间输出步骤(以 GeoTIFF 的形式)的数量和大小。


  • EEMS —环境流体动力模式系统
  • HYDRUS —水流和溶质运移的模拟软件
  • GS+—环境科学空间统计软件
  • ArcGIS—地理信息系统系列软件
  • GMS(Groundwater Modeling System)—三维地下水模拟系统软件
  • Visual MODFLOW—模拟三维地下水水流,热传递和污染物运移的标准化软件
  • WMS(Watershed Modeling System)—流域建模系统软件
  • AquaChem—水质数据分析、计划和地下水数据报告生成软件
  • SMS(Surface Water Modeling System)—完整的地表水模拟软件

  • 北京友万信息科技有限公司,英文全称:Beijing Uone Info&Tech Co.,Ltd ( Uone-Tech )是中国大陆领先的教育和科学软件分销商,已在中国300多所高校建立了可靠的分销渠道。拥有最成功的教学资源和数据管理专家。如需申请软件采购及老版本更新升级请联系我们,咨询热线:010-56548231 ,咨询邮箱:info@uone-tech.cn 感谢您的支持与关注。