2019.8.20 详细议程
会议主持:丁剑平 上海财经大学教授
Users may extend Stata's features using other programming languages such as Java and C. New in Stata 16, Stata has tight integration with Python, which allows users to embed and execute Python code from within Stata. I will discuss how users can easily call Python from Stata, output Python results within Stata, and exchange data and results between Python and Stata, both interactively and as sub-routines within do-files and ado-files. I will also show examples of the Stata Function Interface (sfi); a Python module provided with Stata which provides extensive facilities for accessing Stata objects from within Python.
Lasso and elastic net are two popular machine-learning methods. In this presentation, I will discuss Stata 16's new features for lasso and elastic net, and I will demonstrate how they can be used for prediction with linear, binary, and count outcomes. We will discover why these methods are effective and how they work.
The increasing availability of high-dimensional data and increasing interest in more realistic functional forms have sparked a renewed interest in automated methods for selecting the covariates to include in a model. I discuss the promises and perils of model selection and pay special attention to some new estimators that provide reliable inference after model selection.
模型错误设定是计量经济分析的常见问题,非参数和半参数方法估计具有稳健、弹性的优良特征。本文介绍了核回归和局部线性回归等非参数、半参数计量经济模型的估计和设定检验,包括局部估计(local estimation)和整体估计(global estimation),以及这些方法在Stata中的应用
2019.8.21 详细议程
会议主持:王群勇 南开大学教授
目前的固定效应面板数据门限模型只适用于平衡面板,在将非平衡面板转为平衡面板时可能造成较大样本选择偏差。我们基于目前的xthreg指令提出改进的指令xthreg2,该指令利用聚类野蛮自举(cluster wild bootstrap)估计非平衡面板数据的固定效应门限模型。本文利用蒙特卡洛模拟的方法考察不同情形下聚类野蛮自举的有效样本特征。
Stata's commands for report generation allow you to create complete Word, Excel, PDF, and HTML documents that include formatted text, as well as summary statistics, regression results, and graphs produced by Stata. In this talk, we will go over the new features in Stata 16 for generating reproducible reports.
Hua Peng Director StataCorp LLC